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Don’t just track. Grow.

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Mission-Focused financial organizers, translators, and forecasters

Money is like a lot like Foreign Language 101.

If you learned something about it in high school, your brain probably only remembers the numbers (can you say, “Uno, dos, tres”?).

But unlike Spanish, when it comes to money, you probably wish your brain hadn’t locked most of it away in storage, trying to make room for other stuff. (Why can you remember all the lyrics from a song you haven’t heard in years but not how to enter an equation into Excel?)

The difference is, you actually need money.

Somebody somewhere in history came up with the idea to exchange something symbolic for goods and services, and that something was money. The idea worked so well that it’s still the system we use today… which means money has become an essential survival tool—for people, for businesses, and for your non-profit.

And yet, when confronted with budgets, spreadsheets, benchmarking, reconciliation, graphs and projections—well, it sure feels a lot like it does when someone tries to communicate using a foreign language.

You don’t need to cross your fingers and hope you figure it out. We can help.

Does this sound familiar?

The monthly financial report is due to your board. You feel a sinking in your chest, a looming dread. Every spend felt justified in the moment, but now you’re not so sure. Organizing all your donor information and budgeting requests into an impressive presentation feels like the best way to go about things… but what’s important? What’s not looking so good? What if someone asks about the future?

You somehow get through the ordeal, and heave a sigh of relief… only for the same thing to happen next month.

What if all that overwhelming energy and time was injected back into the good work you’re doing?

Doesn’t sound so awful, does it?

We want to be a part of your mission.

You are socially or environmentally conscious. (Or both!) We love that. Trust us—we could have worked for anyone (and some of us did)… but we want to work with people who are doing good, so that they can do more good. So that we can feel good. Everybody wins.

So tell us what your goals are! We’re not only here to provide you with organized financial reports—we’re here to help you plan and project for the future, so you can invest your time and resources the best way possible to fulfill your mission.

We can help you stop feeling frantic, and start feeling—truly—fulfilled.

Our Values

AUTHENTICITY - We never wear a mask because we believe in being true to ourselves and our clients. We won't pretend to be someone we're not, and we'll always be transparent and honest in our dealings with you.

INTEGRITY - We may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but we can promise you that we'll always do what's right. Our commitment to ethical behavior and accountability is unwavering.

RESPECT - We treat everyone with the respect they deserve - from the nonprofits we serve to our own team members. We believe that everyone has something to offer and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.


Have you heard about 5-Minute Financials?

They’re our #1 top-rated service at Nonprofit Bookkeeping. Want to know more?


Get on the Calendar! (It’s $0)

Speak with a qualified financial professional as soon as today!



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