Random Acts of Kindness


February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Nonprofits aim to change their communities and environments for the better. But don’t forget, we can carry this to an individual level that might make a difference for someone else. We asked our team to tell a time when they had either received or given a random act of kindness, and here is what they shared: 

I am always a huge fan of buying someone's meal when we are at the restaurant. This has been done to me, and I have done it. I love it.

Back when our kids were very young we were really struggling financially.  We refused to ask for help and just kept working hard and doing our best.  While our kids had everything they needed, Christmas was fast approaching.  We were unsure how we were going to afford any extras.  Then one day my husband checked the mail and someone had left hundreds of dollars in various gift cards in our mailbox.  We had no idea who they had come from, but it was such a HUGE blessing in our lives!  We were able to have a wonderful Christmas with our children!  We did find out later who delivered such an amazing blessing to our family and it just made it that much more special to be able to thank them and let them know how truly appreciative we were.

Random $100 tips for great service providers.   Did one of those in December and the lady stalked and tracked me down on FB to send me a message on how grateful she was with being a single mom getting ready for Xmas.  

I had an accident on a solo trip in Morocco. I had a broken wrist and was flying on RyanAir to go back to Spain for surgery. I had posted to the ex-pat group in Madrid asking for advice. It turns out there was a woman in the seat behind me who had read the post and recognized me. She proceeded to carry my luggage, went with me to the hospital, and translated for me so I could get an appointment. I was so blown away by her kindness.

Have you been the recipient or a gifter of a random act of kindness? Let us know!